Automation topics

Demand the Best from Your RFID Partner — SENSORTECH

That seems like a no-brainer statement, but often I find myself talking to customers who are frustrated with their current vendor for a myriad of reasons. An RFID project can require a pretty decent chunk of capital investment so when something doesn’t go as planned people start looking for answers […]

Three Things to Know About IO-Link — SENSORTECH

IO-Link has become synonymous with the term “distributed modular I/O”. We know it is universal, smart, and easy, but what exactly is IO-Link? In a nutshell, by utilizing a standard sensor cable, the IO-Link slave device speaks point to point with an IO-Link master. The IO-Link master then combines the […]

Benefits of Non-contact Linear Position Sensing Technology — SENSORTECH

Linear position sensors that provide continuous, typically analog, feedback are used extensively in a variety of applications in many different industries and markets. Linear position sensors employ various technologies, but at the most basic level the technologies can be classified as being either non-contact or contact based. For the purpose […]

Sensor Reliability in Steel Production — SENSORTECH

In any continuous manufacturing process such as steel production, increased throughput is the path to higher profits through maximum utilization of fixed capital investments. In order to achieve increased throughput, more sophisticated control systems are being deployed. These systems enable ever-higher levels of automation but can present new challenges in […]

Industry 4.0 & IIoT, who cares?!?! You should. — SENSORTECH

(If you aren’t sure what Industry 4.0 or IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) are, take a look at these previous blog entries.) I’m amazed at all the research published each week presenting the value Industry 4.0 and IIoT are bringing to manufacturing. And the articles about Industry 4.0 and IIoT […]